Friday, February 10, 2006

Bottle fed tame squirrel while momma dog watches. Posted by Picasa

Momma takes turns licking all her babies nice and clean, including the squirrel. Posted by Picasa

Friends. Posted by Picasa

Puppies are a lot bigger now but they think the squirrel is one of them. Posted by Picasa

Even Momma is sound asleep. Posted by Picasa

Cute family. Posted by Picasa

Four spotted babies and one squirrel. Posted by Picasa

Baby squirrel asleep with the brood. Posted by Picasa

Just one of the gang. Posted by Picasa

Bottle fed baby squirrel Posted by Picasa

Baby squirel is accepted by momma dog along with her brood. Posted by Picasa

A mighty tame squirrel. Posted by Picasa

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