Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The baby duckling couldn;t make it up the curb and fell back on her back side. Momma duck is encouraging her to try again.  Posted by Picasa

That hound dogs big flappy ear sure makes a good sun shade for sleepy kitty.  Posted by Picasa

Two babies, loving each other. Posted by Picasa

Momma and baby in the bathroom sink Posted by Picasa

He stold his dog to "sit" like he was on the potty! Posted by Picasa

Is that a rabbit or a squirrel scratching his back? Posted by Picasa

All tuckered out after a big meal.  Posted by Picasa

Kitty helping out with the Xmas decorations. Posted by Picasa

You need a long tongue to get a drink from this glass Posted by Picasa


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